
Privacy policy statement


Set out below are instructions and information concerning ways of managing the website for the purposes of personal data protection pursuant to Art. 13 of EU Regulation No. 2016/679 (hereinafter referred to as the “Regulation”), which sets out rules with regards to the protection of individuals concerning the processing of personal data, as well as rules relating to the free circulation of such data.


Data relating to identified or identifiable persons may be processed as a result of visiting this website.


Data Controller

The Data Controller is LIVING COOP A.R.L. with its registered office in via Pontebbana 74/2 Carnia 33010 Venzone (UD), telephone number +39 0432 978011, e-mail address:


Place of data processing

The data are processed at the operating offices of the Data Controller and at any other place in which the parties concerned with the processing are located. Please contact the Data Controller for further information.

No data collected by the web service will be communicated or divulged except for operations strictly related to the subject of the user’s request.


Purposes and types of data processed

The computer systems and software procedures used for the operation of this website may acquire some personal data, the transmission of which is implicit in the use of Internet communication protocols. This website does not track IP addresses nor does it make use of other long-term user tracking systems.

These data are used for the sole purpose of obtaining anonymous statistical information on the use of the website and to check its correct functioning, and are deleted immediately after processing. The data may be used to ascertain responsibility in the event of hypothetical computer crimes against the website.


Contact form

Your personal data, which is provided by filling in the form in the “contacts” area of this website (  and any contained in email messages sent directly to addresses in the same “contacts” area, will be subjected to processing based on the principles of correctness, lawfulness, transparency and protection of your privacy and rights or those relating to any of your employees or associates.


Furthermore, the company undertakes to process your data in compliance with the principle of “minimisation”, or by acquiring and processing data insofar as is necessary with regard to the following purposes:

  • management of a requested service and/or information

Sensitive personal data will neither be requested nor processed for this purpose.


Your data may be used for the purposes set out below but only with your express consent which, however, may be withdrawn at any time by means of a communication to the addresses mentioned hereunder. Provision of the data and consent for these purposes is optional and any refusal will not affect your possibility of receiving the information you requested.

The purposes are:

  1. sending business, technical and/or informative newsletters either online or in print
  2. promotional and/or marketing activities either online or in print
  3. sending of lists, catalogues, technical instructions, statistical sampling, etc.
  4. market research


Navigation data is the only data collected automatically. Although these data are not collected for the purpose of being associated with the user’s identity, it may result in the user’s identification indirectly as a result of processing and association with data collected by the Data Controller.

In particular:

  • IP address
  • browser and navigation device

Once the newsletters have been sent, the user’s email address is automatically added to a contact list to which emails containing information, including business and promotional information, relating to are sent. The user’s email address may also be added to this list as a result of registration on


This type of service permits management of a database containing email and telephone contacts or any other type of contact used to communicate with the user. Moreover, these services allow for the collection of data relating to the date and time a user views their messages, as well as how the user interacts with them such as the information on the clicking on any links in the messages.


The data provided by the interested parties is used for:

management of promotional and/or marketing activities either online or in print
only with the user’s express consent to permit access to specific and additional services such as the sending of future information and promotional communications either online or in print

These activities are performed using the services of MailChimp (The Rocket Science Group, LLC.).


MailChimp is an address management and email message service provided by The Rocket Science Group, LLC. Processing location: United States  – Privacy Policy. Member of the Privacy Shield.


Provision of data for the purposes of sending newsletters with promotional, information or research objectives is optional and the refusal to provide the relative consent to the processing would make it impossible to be updated about business initiatives and/or promotional campaigns, receive offers or other promotional material and/or to send the user personalised offers. LIVING COOP A.R.L. does not furnish third parties with any user information without their consent, unless required to do so by law.


Data provided voluntarily by the user

The sending of all optional, clear and voluntary emails to the addresses provided on this website entails the subsequent acquisition of the sender’s address, which is necessary to reply to requests. As regards these data, no communication or divulgence is foreseen without prior consent.


Personal data provided by users who request informative material be sent to them are used solely for the purposes of performing the requested service or task, and are only communicated to third parties if it is necessary for that purpose.


Specific summary information statements will be progressively reported or displayed on the website pages designed for special on-demand services. As regards these other processing methods, information will be provided in advance of any disclosure to third parties.


Processing methods

Personal data are processed only for the time strictly necessary to accomplish the purposes for which they were collected. The data will be processed both electronically and in printed form but, in any case, the use of identifiable data will be kept to a minimum insofar as it is not required for the aforementioned purposes.  Furthermore, the Data Controller has implemented the security measures prescribed by the relevant data protection laws.

In particular, the sending of data by filling in the form in the “contacts” area provides for the insertion of the same data in an email message generated automatically by the website management software that will be forwarded to an address of LIVING COOP A.R.L.


Source from which the data originates

All the data are provided by the interested party voluntarily.


Recipient categories

Your personal data may be communicated, strictly with regard to the aforementioned objectives, to the following parties or categories of party:

  1. parties in connection with the Data Controller to whom the current regulations provide for the obligation of communication, in compliance with the legislation concerning tax and accounting matters
  2. to professionals for the purpose of studying and resolving any legal problems relating to your contractual position (e.g.: lawyers)
  3. to professionals (either individuals or legal entities) to whom the Data Controller has to entrust tasks for the performance of certain outsourcing activities

Moreover, we inform you that:

Your data will also be processed exclusively for the aforementioned purposes by company personnel and/or contract staff suitably authorised and trained by the Data Controller in accordance with Article 29 of the Regulation.

Your data will not be divulged, except where required by law, regulation or EU regulations.


Storage period

Your personal data may be stored for the time required for the prosecution of the aforementioned purposes.

The data required for subscription to the newsletter and the relative processing of same are considered valid until the user unsubscribes from the newsletter, a link for which is present in every email.


Recognised rights of the interested party

You may, at any time, exercise your rights provided for by Articles 15-22 of the Regulation against the Data Controller. In particular, you will have the right to request at any time:

  • access to your personal data
  • their correction in case of inaccuracy of same
  • deletion
  • the restriction of their processing

Furthermore, you will have:

  • the right to oppose their processing if processed for the prosecution of a legitimate interest of the Data Controller, should you believe that your fundamental rights and freedoms have been violated;
  • the right, at any time, to withdraw your consent in relation to the purposes for which it was required;
  • the right to the portability of your data, namely the right to receive your own personal data in a structured format that is commonly used and readable by an automatic device.


Insofar as regards the cookies used by the Internet site referred to in this privacy policy, please refer to the information document that can be viewed at the following address:


Identity and contact details of the Data Controller

The Data Controller is LIVING COOP A.R.L. with its registered office in via Pontebbana 74/2 Carnia 33010 Venzone (UD), telephone number +39 0432 978011, e-mail address:


Privacy policy update

This privacy policy may be amended or updated at any time.


Last revision: 24/05/2018